Plus One!
Beyond The Streets, Los Angeles 2018
Planned Parenthood, Los Angeles, 2018-present
A point of purchase display (pop!) designed to stimulate sobering conversations about protection, prevention, population explosion, and planet extinction. The 9’ x 9’ display debuted at BEYOND THE STREETS 2018 inaugural exhibition. The pink pop display resides at the Planned Parenthood HQ in Los Angeles.
Known Gallery, Los Angeles, 2012
Synthetic starter-plants, seedlings, clones, and a totally huge selection of intoxicating, fake plastic buds - all built with LEGO bricks to resemble some of the finest strains of medicinal marijuana ever grown will be on display and available for limited purchase.
The LAgo brand, as a perpetual "harvest" of healing power, has been especially commodified to meet the addictions of anyone who has ever wanted to experience the transaction of purchasing medical marijuana - or fine art - at a legal business organization (cough.)